Thursday, February 1, 2018

3 Love Stories and a Linky

It's almost Valentine's Day and I've got 3 fun love stories to share with you today! These are all relatively clean romances that are between young adult and new adult appropriate with plenty of feel-good moments. Click on the titles in blue to learn more.

Pippa of Lauramore (The Eldentimber Series Book 1) by [Tapscott, Shari L.]

My Review:

Pippa of Lauramore is a fantasy romance with great characters and plenty of action and adventure. It's about a princess named Pippa who is hoping someone other than the man her father has chosen will win her hand in marriage at the tournaments. She interferes right from the beginning hoping to guarantee that the man she chooses will win. Things don't always go as planned and her man isn't up to speed. Unfortunately, the man that she really cares about isn't worthy enough in her father's eyes to compete for her hand. The worst part is that her father's original choice for her might just win after all!

Elissa Blue: Book One of The Winged by [Perry, T.K.]

My Review:

Elissa Blue is a love story through and through. If you're looking for plenty of giggles and sigh worthy moments, then you'll enjoy this book! Surprisingly, this is supposed to be a dystopian/science-fiction novel, but only mildly so. A genetically modified human race exists with new abilities, but also limitations. This was explained to some extent, but other things like why prayer was banned were not. The story focuses on relationships and avoiding the pitfalls of sexual desire. Euphemisms are not used, which can be shocking for some readers. Otherwise, it's a relatively clean romance and appropriate for mature teenagers and new adults.

Captive Rebel

My Review:

Captive Rebel is a fast paced adventure romance novella. I enjoyed the chemistry between captive and captor. I liked how the good guys and bad guys were on both sides of the conflict. It reminds me of a medieval story, but the setting is supposed to be dystopian. There are little nods to the world that once was, but these didn't fit well and felt contrived. I think it should have been set in an alternate universe instead. Overall, it was fun to read.

Disclosure: These books were all purchased by me from Amazon Kindle and these are my honest reviews. There are no affiliate links.


My Recent Book Reviews:


Welcome to my weekend blog hop -
Make My Saturday Sweet #254!

Make My Saturday Sweet is a weekend blog hop for all family friendly blogs. You are welcome to link your favorite post from the past week(s) and to visit the last link before yours and leave a sweet comment. It's a really easy and fun way to make new friends and to catch up on old acquaintances.

Now on to my blog hop...

Amanda’s Books and More

It's time for another Make My Saturday Sweet blog hop!

Join me (your host) for this fun and easy hop.
All family friendly blogs are welcome!

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  • Follow Tina (your host) on one or more links listed above.
  • Link up a post from your family friendly blog.
  • Please try to add my hop button on your post or side-bar.
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Amanda’s Books and More

Weekend Linky

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I hope your February gets off to a great start!
Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Happy February! We're digging out from a snowstorm that closed schools yesterday and more is predicted for Sunday evening!

Thanks for visiting. Next week on Cathy Chats this post will work out beautifully but just so you'll know you linked to the mewsic linky party that I co-host and we're happy to have ya on the dance floor anytime. Maybe next time you'll have some mewsic of us to boogie to which by the way next week's theme is "YOUR FAVORITE LOVE SONGS". Have a good week, my friend!
2 replies · active 360 weeks ago
Will try to remember! Thanks!

If this was a linky that I managed then I wouldn’t care if you linked up. However some individuals get a little sore when they see none music participation. Some folks make an honest mistake by linking up but there are spammers who don’t seem to mind at all. I’m sure you can relate, so for people I know or suspect it’s simply a goof then I like to encourage their participation with a gentle suggestion. Have an awesome day!

I totally agree with Cathy because you see I am the Host at Monday's Music Moves Me... we rock our house every Monday & your welcome to join in on our dance floor anytime. We don't do much readin' round here just jump, rock and jivin'!!! So if you want to know the theme ahead of time it's always in my side bar. We also have Spotlight Dancer's who pick's a theme in advance and has our No. 1 spot on our linky! So hope to see you joinin' next week . ROCK ON my friend!
1 reply · active 360 weeks ago
Thanks! I mentioned on Cathy's blog that there wasn't a delete option after I had linked my post. (Some linky widgets allow you to delete your entry.) Writing a comment explaining was the best that I could do!
Ah, where's the music post????
1 reply · active 360 weeks ago
It was my first time linking on that blog hop and I tried to delete my entry after noticing my mistake, but there wasn't an option for that on the widget. Anyway, thanks for visiting! Have a great week ahead!
These look fun! We're reading the first Kitty Hawk on your recommendation. Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday at!
1 reply · active 360 weeks ago
That's so cool! I'm glad to hear! I've begun the second book in the Kitty Hawk series. They are a bit slow going at first before the real adventure begins. The slow bits are like watching National Geographic, perfect for learning about our world. :)

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